Things To Do With Your Old Smartphone | Harper29
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Things To Do With Your Old Smartphone

If you have an old smartphone lying around, there are plenty of creative ways to repurpose it rather than letting it gather dust. Here are some cool things you can do with your old device:

  1. DIY Security Camera: Turn your old phone into a home security camera. Download a security camera app like AlfredCamera on both your old and new devices. Mount the old phone where you need it (you can use something as simple as a suction cup mount). Make sure the old phone has access to power. Then use your current smartphone to log in and view the feed from your old device1.

  2. Give It to the Kids: If you’re not ready to buy your child their own phone, repurpose your old device for them. You don’t need cellular connectivity for the camera to work. Connect the phone to Wi-Fi, and your kids can send pics, search the internet, download apps, make calls over Wi-Fi, and play games. Just make sure you have a case and screen protector1.

  3. Mobile Gaming System: Make your old smartphone a dedicated gaming system. There are tons of mobile games available for iPhone, Android, Apple Arcade, and even Netflix Games. As long as you have a Wi-Fi connection, you’re good to go. If storage is tight, consider game streaming services like Xbox Cloud Gaming or Steam Link to play games over Wi-Fi1.

  4. Video Chat Device: If you frequently use Zoom, FaceTime, or other video chat platforms, your old smartphone can serve as a dedicated interface for video chats. As long as you have decent Wi-Fi coverage, it’s a great way to keep in touch with friends and family1.

Remember, repurposing your old smartphone not only saves it from ending up in a landfill but also gives it a new lease on life! 🌟123

Feel free to explore these options and get creative with your old device!

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