How to show hidden icons in Windows 11 | Harper29
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How to show hidden icons in Windows 11

Windows 11 brings plenty of cool features and is always getting new ones, too, with updates like the Windows 11 23H2 update. You can enjoy Snap Layouts to multitask efficiently, play with Android apps on your PC, and even link your iPhone to your laptop. One thing that's missing from Windows 11, however, is desktop icons.

You might have noticed that desktop icons for some classic system features are missing. Even in the taskbar, some icons might be missing for your favorite apps. There's no icon for My PC, for example. Well, it's super easy to bring these hidden icons back.

How to show hidden icons on the Windows 11 desktop

By default, Windows 11 hides the icons for the user folder and apps like This PC. To bring these icons and others back, follow the steps below.

  1. Right-click on the desktop.
  2. Choose Personalize > Themes.
  3. Choose the link at the bottom for Desktop icon settings.
  4. The Desktop Icon Settings window should pop up.
  5. Click the checkboxes for the items you want to see: Computer, User's Files, Recycle Bin, and Control Panel.
  6. Click Apply.

You should right away see these icons restored to your desktop. At any time, if you'd like to remove these icons, repeat steps one to five, and this time, uncheck which icon you no longer want to see. Then, choose Apply.

How to show hidden icons on the Windows 11 taskbar

Another place where you'll want to see icons is in the taskbar. Typically, each app that's running on your PC will have an icon. If you don't see that icon, then Windows is likely hiding it under the hidden icon menu. This is an area for icons that are turned off. Here's how to make sure these icons are being shown.

  1. Right-click on the Taskbar.
  2. Choose Taskbar settings.
  3. Turn off the toggle for Hidden icon menu.
  4. You should now see all icons populate right next to your clock in the system taskbar.

Alternatively, if you want to keep the hidden icon menu on and prioritize a specific app icon, simply tap on the ^ on your taskbar. Then click the icon that you want to show, and drag it to an area within your eyesight.

Showcase your icons

That's all you need to know to show hidden icons in Windows 11. It doesn't take much other than a few clicks. Remember, we have tons of other tutorials on how to make Windows 11 look the way you want, too, like how to enable taskbar ungrouping, along with just general customization tips.

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