How I Kept My Mac Clean for Years | Harper29
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How I Kept My Mac Clean for Years

Are you having a hard time cleaning your Mac properly? This shouldn't be a tedious process as long as you have the right equipment. Here, we'll discuss how you can easily keep your Mac's keyboard, screen, and chassis free from dust, dirt, and grime.

KeyboardCleanTool App to Help Wipe My Keyboard Clean

To clarify why you need an app to keep your keyboard clean, modern Macs turn on when you press any key on the keyboard, and in my experience, this usually accidentally triggers an activity while you're cleaning.

To overcome this, I recommend KeyboardCleanTool. Its function is quite simple. The click of a button turns off all keyboard input on your Mac, allowing you to bring in any tools and get to cleaning. My tools of choice are a damp cloth and a mini brush.

If you own a MacBook, make sure to wipe your keyboard clean frequently, as some of the grime can transfer onto the display, leaving permanent marks.

Download: KeyboardCleanTool (Free)

A Mini Brush to Whisk Away Debris

After wiping down the keyboard, I suggest checking for debris beneath the keys, in the ports, or around the hinge. To help with this, I recommend using a mini brush set (pictured above). It's one of the best keyboard cleaners, simple yet effective, and, not to forget, quite cost-effective.

Related video: Is The Cheapest Macbook Worth It? (Binge Bytes)

Debris, like food crumbs or small bits of lint, can often cause mechanical failures, so it is best to keep them away from the nooks and crannies of your Mac.

A Microfiber Cloth to Bring Shine to the Display

Last on this list is a microfiber cloth that you can use for both the keyboard and display. You can buy it for cheap on Amazon if you don't have one already. While wiping down a keyboard is fairly simple, you should exercise more caution when trying to keep the display clean.

First, ensure you're using a clean microfiber cloth or at least a clean side of one. Next, once you start wiping, maintain straight movements from one side to the other. Avoid swirling the cloth, as this can lead to micro scratches.

If you notice a deposit on the screen that a dry microfiber cloth could not remove, dampen a part of your microfiber cloth with water or a screen cleaning solution. This should help buff out the mark. Follow this with a wipe from the dry side of the cloth.

With these simple steps, you can stay on top of any dirt and grime that may build up. You should have no trouble keeping your Mac's keyboard, display, and chassis clean for the foreseeable future.

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